and Sky Sports1 are taking their futsal more and more seriously. This video
introduction to the game covers the high points for newcomers in an entertaining
fashion. You’ll enjoy the highlights and people new to the game will be drawn
in by the speed, skill and color. Having Barcelona as one of the teams never
hurts. And it never hurts to have the game promoted by a TV network.
Had to watch this one twice … three times … Jordi Torras chips the ball to himself and heads for Barcelona’s tying goal. The goal is remarkable, but the
announcer’s vocal thing in saying “gol” might top it. Great stuff from Spanish futsal. At this point, still a challenge for U.S. and Canadian fans to imagine that much passion for futsal from fans, the play-by-play guy etc.
Plenty of action and skills in this first derby of the season between MFK Dinamo and Moscow Dina, two teams in Russia’s futsal league. Includes

U.S. Soccer has made strides in its incorporation of futsal into the development of its Academy players, and for youth players in general. That's a good sign. There's still a way to go to catch up with the English FA in some respects, which has the advantage of being part of UEFA and close to the European continent and futsal powers Spain, Portugal and Italy. It also has the advantage of strong video support from the English federation, which produced this video and others to help publicize the game. Some good commentary here from England's futsal coach after an exhibition game against Barcelona's U-23 futsal team.
Wales is part of the United Kingdom and is located on the southwestern side of the English island, but has its own football federation and national futsal team. The Welsh, best-known in the U.S. and Canada perhaps for its Premiership teams Cardiff and Swansea, is newer to international futsal than
its English neighbors, but is making strides. Wales traveled to England for this friendly, with production and commentary for the English FA.

Wales is part of the United Kingdom and is located on the southwestern side of the English island, but has its own football federation and national futsal team. The Welsh, best-known in the U.S. and Canada perhaps for its Premiership teams Cardiff and Swansea, is newer to international futsal than

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